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Welcome to Plastoil
Transforming plastic waste into oil

Our plastic recycling solution, WASTX Plastic, is a unique mobile technology for effective conversion of plastic waste into pure, high-quality resource oil, that can be directly used in industry and community.

Plastoil represents the Enespa Group, who specialise in manufacturing the latest plastic recycling technology. Manufactured in Germany to meet all EU Emissions and safety standards. We are representatives for Australia, New Zealand and Asia Pacific.


How it works

The plastics cycle can only be closed through a combination of mechanical and chemical recycling processes.

The WASTX Plastic technology transforms plastic waste into oil, which returns to the raw material cycle as a basis for recycled plastics or as an energy source. The chemical recycling process:

  • Plastic Waste
  • Sorting and shredding in the grinder
  • Production of granulate
  • Storage in the buffer box
  • Heating in the extruder
  • Pyrolysis / thermolysis & condensation
  • Oil recovery
  • Product manufacture and use

The recycled plastics are in no way inferior to products made from fossil oil.

WASTX Plant in action

Plastic waste becomes a valuable raw material

Every year, we produce more than 300 million tonnes of plastic waste. This figure is almost equivalent to the weight of the whole human population.



Our solution solves the plastic crisis in the locations it occurs

The WASTX Plant can be installed anywhere where plastic waste is accumulated allowing for plastic waste to be transformed into a valuable raw material ready to be used.


All our technologies are specially selected to bring not only environmental benefits
but also a positive return on investment.